Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weaknesses. — Brené Brown

Group awareness and cohesiveness is a model that has been studied and has applications to make an individual open and free. This makes an individual more attracted to be a member of the group gaining experiences with feelings of comfort, warmth, acceptance, and support. The beautiful thing about an individual in a group setting is that the feeling of cohesiveness leads to other important therapeutic characteristics. Meaning that individuals in a group setting will at some point in time begin to share intimate thoughts and feelings realizing that they are not alone in their pain and discomfort.

It can be a great feeling when individuals walk into their group knowing that they can be themselves sharing what’s on their minds and heart without getting the feeling of being an outcast or judged. Individuals can be themselves and share honestly no matter how it may look. When members of a group receive the feeling of cohesiveness this gives them a sense of belonging and acceptance by others experiencing great self-esteem, self-respect, self-image, and self-discovery which, can lead to forgiveness and acceptance of oneself.

When it comes to group awareness and cohesiveness it can be visualized that our prior behaviors can be acknowledged and recognized as long as we learn the suitable behavior to work together in the group to apply positive thinking, and contribute a valuable lesson that will make everyone feel safe, accepted, loved and strengthened.

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